Executive Summary

AgeX Therapeutics, Inc. is a biotechnology company formed in 2017 as a subsidiary of BioTime, Inc (NYSE MKT: BTX). Its mission is to apply technology related to cell immortality and pluripotency to human aging and age-related disease. The Company’s technology platform has three facets: Pluripotent stem cell-derived progenitor cell lines representing over 200 types of cells in the body (PureStem technology); HyStem matrices; and induced tissue regeneration (iTR) – the latter being an emerging technology directed at inducing the immortal regeneration of tissues in the body.

Through BioTime, AgeX has license to a large consolidated technology and patent estate including the technologies Dr. West invented at Geron and his subsequent companies. AgeX is leading off with cell-based regenerative therapeutics for significant unmet needs in age-related disease such as Type II diabetes (using its manufactured brown adipocyte product (AGEX-BAT1)), and ischemic disease (using its young vascular progenitor cell product (AGEX-VASC1)). In addition, it will also be advancing products based on an entirely new technology platform aimed at the central molecular processes of aging itself designated “induced Tissue Regeneration (iTR)” AgeX scientists believe that the combination of telomerase therapy and iTR may unlock the potential of immortal tissue regeneration in humans. Model organisms that display immortal tissue regeneration show no evidence of aging.

The combination of pluripotent stem cell and iTR technology may provide AgeX with a highly differentiated and valuable platform to address large markets associated with chronic degenerative age-related disease.




AgeX Termis, 12/06/2017; Presentation by Dr. Michael D. West, CEO

Executive Summary

AgeX Therapeutics, Inc. is a biotechnology company formed in 2017 as a subsidiary of BioTime, Inc (NYSE MKT: BTX). Its mission is to apply technology related to cell immortality and pluripotency to human aging and age-related disease. The Company’s technology platform has three facets: Pluripotent stem cell-derived progenitor cell lines representing over 200 types of cells in the body (PureStem technology); HyStem matrices; and induced tissue regeneration (iTR) – the latter being an emerging technology directed at inducing the immortal regeneration of tissues in the body.

Through BioTime, AgeX has license to a large consolidated technology and patent estate including the technologies Dr. West invented at Geron and his subsequent companies. AgeX is leading off with cell-based regenerative therapeutics for significant unmet needs in age-related disease such as Type II diabetes (using its manufactured brown adipocyte product (AGEX-BAT1)), and ischemic disease (using its young vascular progenitor cell product (AGEX-VASC1)). In addition, it will also be advancing products based on an entirely new technology platform aimed at the central molecular processes of aging itself designated “induced Tissue Regeneration (iTR)” AgeX scientists believe that the combination of telomerase therapy and iTR may unlock the potential of immortal tissue regeneration in humans. Model organisms that display immortal tissue regeneration show no evidence of aging.

The combination of pluripotent stem cell and iTR technology may provide AgeX with a highly differentiated and valuable platform to address large markets associated with chronic degenerative age-related disease.



AgeX Termis 12-6-17